Websites WebMastered by Paul R. Burnett

My Home Page
Burnett Genealogy
Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose - founded by me but I no longer run it
Morgan Hill Learning Center

The above are all subsidiary web pages to my home page at South Valley Internet ( - I also run some websites at Garlic that have graduated to their own address:

South County Neighborhood Disaster Preparedness Project - founded by me but I no longer run it

Bay Area Environmental Safety Group (BAESG) (which after six years I have turned over to somebody else to run...but I still add some pages)

the BAESG's main Safety Links web page (which actually won me a prize a few years ago - but which I don't maintain so assiduously any more....)

...and a bunch of its links pages:

West Nile Virus Links
Chainsaw Safety Links
Heat Stress Safety Links
Confined Space Safety Links
Foreign Travel Safety Links
Laser Safety Links
Mold and Allergy Safety Links
Cal/OSHA Safety Training Requirements
Hazards of Liquid Oxygen Safety Links
Links to Web Sites with Information on Snakebite
Links to Web Sites with Workplace Violence Resources

Last Updated June 30, 2005

Comments or questions? Send me e-mail: